100+ kinds of coffee daily
We roast selected KOPI BEAN coffees daily
Within 14 days of the delivery of your order, you are legally able to return the goods without giving a reason. If you give a reason, we will be happy to do so and you can help us improve the service and products we offer.
In order for us to give you a refund, you need to deliver the returned goods to Rašínova 10, Brno 602 00, where our Kopi Luwak shop is located. Please include a completed withdrawal form with the returned goods, which can be found in the attachment. Alternatively, you can scan the completed withdrawal form and send it to us by e-mail.
The goods you return to us must be in their original packaging and unused.
Once we have inspected the returned goods, we will contact you for a refund. We will either refund your money to the account from which you paid for the order, or in the case of cash on delivery, please provide us with the account number you wish to send the money to on the form.
If you need any assistance with a refund, please feel free to email us or call us.
We roast selected KOPI BEAN coffees daily